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Ressources MAN 404
Navigational Metaphors and Information Spaces

Syllabus, Section I

Course objective: to study hypermedia models of space and place

Links and comparisons
  • CD-ROM Georgian Cities (by CATI)

    For a glossary of art-historical terms, see the section "Anglais pour histoire de l'art" of the present website then (in the menu in the left-hand margin) "Cours et séminaires, Licence".

  • Links from the National Maritime Museum website :

    searchstation is an educational site, allowing historical contextualisation according to different criteria. port is a research site, with a search engine and search criteria definition.

    • http://www.nmm.ac.uk/searchstation

      study the structure of this site

      • thematic browsing on top menu bar ("exploration" -- "maritime art"...)
      • search facility in lower menu bar :

        • search by "category index" (paintings, ship models, navigational instruments...) or "subject index" (portraits, life on board, trade and industry...)
        • timeline
        • atlas: subsections not only on regions but islands, with towns ("ports") and "bodies of water"

    • http://www.port.nmm.ac.uk
      • search, with "advanced search" containing "stemming" (or "truncation") / browse
      • selection of resources to accompany the NMM current exhibition "Oceans of Discovery" which "explores human endeavours to understand the world and its oceans, from the ealiest navigators to today's cutting-edge technology"
        • John Harrison and the Longitude Problem (which we have already seen)
        • Lost at Sea: the Search for Longitude, leading to site http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/longitude/ "By using RealAudio clips, QuickTime virtual reality, Shockwave games, video streaming and more, NOVA online explores the edge of what computers and minds can do"

        Explain the terms of the above sentence and show their relevance

  • Compare the resources on these sites with the website of the British Library http://www.bl.uk virtual exhibition "Trading Places - the East India Company and Asia"
    • sections such as "expansion" or "impacts"
    • text, illustrations that you may enlarge, further information in windows
Resources Links and comparisons Interpretation
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