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Ressources MAN 404
Navigational Metaphors and Information Spaces

Syllabus, Section III

Course objective: to show the implications of hypertextual structure for the study of literature

Links and comparisons
  • STELLA (Glasgow): http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/SESLL/STELLA/index.html
    • Teaching packages: see "The Basis of English Metre" by C.J. Kay and Jean Anderson

    • the STARN project (Scots Teaching And Research Network") : in the list of links on the STELLA homepage, click on "Other Projects" then STARN then "Criticism and Commentary"
      • select "The Language of Traveller Storytellers" by Sheila Douglas, and study its account of the interaction between language and travelling experiences
    • " English & Scots Language & Literature Links" : see its sections on
      • Organisations
      • Gateways -- towards websites of King's College London, Oxford, ..., and towards HATII:

        Select "HATII" (Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute at Glasgow); then in the second column of its homepage (section "Research") click on "Research & Projects" then "Theatre of Memory"
        The "theatre of memory" was an imaginary Renaissance building with a design serving as a memory aid because of its mnemonic structure: "a unified referential system" reflecting the "marriage of symbol with three dimensional space"; it can be interpreted as a form of "Renaissance conceptual art".
        The website presents it in three different forms: images, VR reconstruction, interpretative comment.
        -- Study their interaction in the light of our topic "information spaces".

      • Text Archives & Corpora: the English Server at Carnegie Mellon, the University of Virginia Electronic Text Centre , the TEI (Text Encoding Initiative: see sections on SGML coding of texts : on the homepage of the Ecole Doctorale, click on "Travaux de recherche").

  • Literary Resources on the World Wide Web (by Jack Lynch) http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Lit/

    This annotated list of resources is subdivided into period sections, then in thematic sections (among which a section on "Hypertext" that we shall use later).

    • In the period list, select "Renaissance"

      then select "The Forest of Rhetoric (Gideon Burton)- A guide to the terms of classical and Renaissance rhetoric." Admirably thorough, with extensive cross-references and examples" http://humanities.byu.edu/rhetoric/silva.htm

      • Study the subdivisions on the left (branches of oratory, canons of rhetoric)
      • In the alphabetical list of figures to the right, select "ecphrasis", and study its definition in the light of our research on texts and images
    • in the period list, select "18th century"

      then select "Literature"
      in the alphabetical list of authors, select "Beckford";
      this will lead you to the Beckford site http://beckford.c18.net

      • study the sections on Beckford's architectural imagination
      • in the section "Beckford Links", follow the links to the Michigan website and its resources on Beckford's literature of travel; compare the search facilities on the Michigan website with those you know
Resources Links and comparisons Interpretation
Dernière mise à jour : 27/01/2004
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