CSTI, Cultures, Sociétés et Technologies de l'Information Site de l'Université Paris Sorbonne
Accueil Centre de recherche Campus numérique Cours et séminaires Sur la toile Evénements
  Research Centre
* Research Team
* Research Activities
  Digital Campus
* Réseaux.doc
* Information Skills Training
  Courses & séminars
* Licence (equivalent undergraduate degree)
* Master 1
* Master 2
* Master professionnel
* Agrégation (national competitive exam selecting Lycées' teaching staff)
* Moodle
* On the Net
* Events
* Weblog
* French version







Ressources DEA-MAN 413
Information skills
Steer your course through the website

In information skills, this website offers:

  • training in basic skills -- e.g. advice on "presentation techniques" meant for undergraduates

  • more advanced skills such as "referencing" which may be used by graduates as a revision aid

  • links to other websites on information skills

On the theoretical plane, the website introduces interesting concepts, eg. mindmapping : see section on mental space

How to get there Steer your course through the website Write your logbook


Dernière mise à jour : 27/01/2004
Cette page est valide HTML 4.01, CSS2 et accessible A.
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Information skills
Learning skills
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Radcliffe SL
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