CSTI, Cultures, Sociétés et Technologies de l'Information Site de l'Université Paris Sorbonne
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Ressources DEA-MAN 413
Information skills
How to get there : http://www.plymouth.ac.uk
(a site we have already visited)
Select (in "All Subjects") "World Wide Web and the Internet"
then (section "Directories of Internet Resources") select BUBL
The link contains a comment on the search options offered by BUBL: "Resource descriptions are searcheable and subjects can be browsed by alphabetical order or Dewey Decimal Classification" (a classification you may encounter in libraries, which assigns a number to each subject area, with subdivisions).
"BUBL" was originally "
BUlletin Board for Libraries"; LINK stands for "LIbraries of Networked Knowledge"

Then select "Humanities"
then in the alphabetical list of subjects select "History of Art"
then "Gateway to Art History"
it will lead you to http://www.wadsworth.com/art_d the URL has changed.

How to get there Steer your course through the website Write your logbook


Dernière mise à jour : 27/01/2004
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Nous contacter
Information skills
Learning skills
Search strategies
Radcliffe SL
Advanced search
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