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Ressources DEA-MAN 413
Information skills
Steer your course through the website
  • Oxlip is a major "portal" or "gateway" to resources in numerous fields, grouped according to subjects and subdivisions.
    • It has an evaluative comment by the Oxlip team: it is important, when listing Internet resources, to use portals which evaluate the websites listed.

  • Sosig is a gateway in social sciences.

    The European Studies Tutorial contains four sections:

    • "Tour key Internet sites for European Studies"

      The fist step is to know a list of useful sites in one's subject; portals and gateways are a help for this (=sites which list important websites in a subject, frequently with an evaluative comment -- the equivalent of bibliographies in printed documentation)

    • "Discover how to improve your Internet searching"

      Acquire search skills.
      The European studies tutorial distinguishes between different categories of search helps:

      • subject gateways (such as the present one), or "portals" -- see above
      • directories , lists of sites on the same principle, but of broader scope, covering numerous fields classified by subject
      • search engines , where you type keywords in a box so that the engine indexes all websites corresponding to your topic

        • The search engines have "advanced search" facilities which enable you to relate several terms with logical "Boolean operators" (named after the 19th c. logician Boole) ; e.g. searching for "Renaissance discoveries" means searching for "discoveries AND Renaissance": see special section of the course on the Boolean operators (on the homepage of the Ecole Doctorale, click on "Travaux de recherche").

    • "Review the critical thinking required when using the Internet"

      An important step is to evaluate and select information:

      • "clues from URLs" (Uniform Resource Locator, the web address) -- the domain name indicates the source, and thus the reliability, of the website; e.g. <----.ac.uk> indicates it is a British university website, and therefore a reliable academic source; see, among the sites we are studying today, <www.ox.ac.uk> the University of Oxford.

      • a means of evaluating a website is to find out if it is recommended by academic websites (this is called "citation"); this chapter of the tutorial indicates how to find out the references to a website. The search engine Google has an advanced search facility which enables you to find the sites which point to a given website you are evaluating.

        There is a dual process:

        A website points to other websites:

        Several websites point to the site under consideration:

    • "Reflect on how to use the Internet for studying, teaching or research"

      The tutorial has a "quiz" section where you can test what you have learnt It allows you to save references to other related websites in your "basket" for the duration of the session, e.g.

      published by the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands

      The same sections are to be found in other tutorials in the same series, e.g. Geography.

How to get there Steer your course through the website Write your logbook


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Information skills
Learning skills
Search strategies
Radcliffe SL
Advanced search
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