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Agrégation 2001 : image analysis

Responsable : Professeur Marie-Madeleine Martinet

The angle of vision - The frame
This drawing tool appears in Peter Greenaway’s film The Draughtsman’s Contract (1982).

It is shown as the film’s logo, with the draughtsman’s eye behind it, in a film list:

then choose " 1982 "

Artists used a ‘drawing frame’ (shown on this section’s homepage) though which they looked at the landscape. It enabled them to select the section of the view they wished to draw (as in a present-day camera viewfinder); in addition the wire grid within it helped them to compose the view, placing each motif in relation to the coordinates and reproducing the layout on squared paper. In the film, the drawing frame has a formal value: numerous aesthetic effects are based on the ‘frame within the frame effect’ of the drawing instrument within the film screen, directly and in reverse angle shot.

Suggestion: the drawing frame, which is a means of ordering the view, is all the more powerful symbolically as it is used for the opposite purpose of mediating the series of fragmentary views of the plot, concealing mystery.

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Dernière mise à jour : 27/01/2004
Nous contacter
Image analysis
Landscape & Hypermedia
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