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Agrégation 2001 : image analysis

Responsable : Professeur Marie-Madeleine Martinet

The Sense of Space

Example: http://perso.club-internet.fr/ojouslin/   F Nicholson A View at Stourhead

The three distances:

  1. foreground (the rolling grass and turf, bearing the ‘framing trees’)
  2. middle distance : lake and bridge (importance of negative shapesin middle distance of classical landscape); the lake is atmospheric and it is a reflecting surface, the bridge has hollow arches, to send the gaze towards the distance
  3. the background or distance, the opposite shore, with the Pantheon to the centre right

Other elements introducing variations in the sense of space:

  • figures
    • in the foreground they act as surrogate viewers (under the tree to the left)
    • to the left on the path they open the view laterally
    • on the bridge, they underline its transition role (carrying forward the gaze)
  • alternations in the three distances
    • light and dark :
      • in the foreground the emphasis is on the dark trees against the light,
      • in the background on the white temple in the medium coloured trees;
      • both effects interplay in the middle distance
    • right and left:

  • in the foreground the emphasis is on the major tree on the left
  • then slightly further on the tree which serves as a limit between foreground/middle distance to the right
  • then on the bridge in the middle distance centre left
  • then on the background temple centre right

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Dernière mise à jour : 27/01/2004
Nous contacter
Image analysis
Landscape & Hypermedia
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