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Agrégation 2001 : image analysis

Responsable : Professeur Marie-Madeleine Martinet


Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775-1851

The Thames near Windsor ?exhibited 1807
Oil on canvas
support 890mm x 1195m


The water surface in the middle distance becomes predominant since it occupies the whole of the central vista and it reaches the foreground; the water surface is no longer contained in the land, the land is within the water, and the observer is above it.

The ropes have a sagging movement vertically which may be mistaken for a horizontal arc

The shadowed parts may be used to convey an impression of circular vision, as the oblique and curved shadowed furrows in Turner’s ‘Petworth, with Tillington Church in the distance’ (c.1830) http://www.tate.org.uk/

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Dernière mise à jour : 27/01/2004
Nous contacter
Image analysis
Landscape & Hypermedia
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