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Agrégation 2001 : image analysis

Responsable : Professeur Marie-Madeleine Martinet

This perception of space is now conveyed by virtual reality, in a ‘fusion of 21st century technology and 19th century ingenuity’ http://www.unmuseum.org/cyclar.htm
In the late 18th and 19th centuries, panoramic vision was preferred to framed views. Panoramas were circular rooms with a landscape or townscape painted all around the inner walls so that the visitors had the impression of being in the centre of the landscape, as in reality. This mode of vision influenced even paintings which are not panoramas in the literal sense, where the vastness of the vista and the sense of atmospheric immersion prevail.

Originally the panorama was linked to the emerging image of the metropolis as a diverse and enveloping urban environment

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Dernière mise à jour : 27/01/2004
Image analysis
Landscape & Hypermedia
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