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Agrégation 2001 : image analysis

Responsable : Professeur Marie-Madeleine Martinet

Wide Angle / Telelens

The photographer will select a lens according to the desired effect.

Telelens (>50 mm) Wide angle (<50 mm)
A telelens will give the impression that the three buildings are close together in depth, the second one being just behind the first and the third one behind the second; in fact they are fairly distant in the background A wide-angle lens will show a broader view than normal human eyesight, and will consequently exaggerate the perspective effect: the vista (eg an arcade receding towards the distance) will seem longer in depth than it is
  • The photographer may wish to emphasise the building in the distance, by showing it oversize to suggest it dominates the city wherever you are (it may be a symbolic landmark)
  • The photograph may have been commissioned by town-planning interests to show that the city was overcrowded and needed redevelopment with more open spaces
  • The photographer may be illustrating a travel narrative, and the accelerated perspective will express the length of the journey towards the goal
  • The photograph may have been intended to advertise a place by showing it more spacious than it is
In either case, the photograph does not document the city; it expresses visions of the city (due to sentiment or to vested interest), and it is a document on artistic or polemical images of the city
Examples are to be found in http://www.webphoto.com
overall view / detail (obviously with telelens)
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Dernière mise à jour : 27/01/2004
Nous contacter
Image analysis
Landscape & Hypermedia
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