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Agrégation 2001 : image analysis

Responsable : Professeur Marie-Madeleine Martinet



Traditionally, colours are supposed to contribute to the sense of depth

Warm colours (red and yellow, and related colours) Cold colours (blue and related colours)

warm colours seem to come forward towards the spectator;

they were used for the main subject to give it volume

whereas cold colours seem to recede;

they were used for the background


search for Reynolds – Lord Heathfield of Gibraltar (1787)


Gainsborough’s Blue Boy (on the home page)

Reynolds followed the normal practice –recommended in his Discourses– of using warm colours for the sitter (his red uniform) Gainsborough’s portrait –though it predates (c.1770) Reynolds’s Discourse VIII on this subject (1778)– is said to have been painted on purpose to show that the practice could be reversed, and cold colours used for the main subject–one of visual paradoxes
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Dernière mise à jour : 27/01/2004
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Image analysis
Landscape & Hypermedia
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