1- Script
and Recording
Source : Monday January 24, 2000 , The Guardian
Topic : Employers are getting better at spotting lies on CVs.
Experian, a credit rating co. checks university qualifications
for hiring firms. ¼ of CVs contain lies, be they the CV of a secretary
or a politician. 2/3 of recruiters do not check vital skills of
seretarial staff who lie to get work in a hard to enter sector.
Some employers see through unqualified candidates and recruitment
agencies test skills upfront thus avoiding placing workers in a
job they are unfit for.
2- Summary
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Sample Summary :
The January 24, 2000 Article from The Guardian entitled Those little
white lies deals with people who lie on their CVs. To help companies
avoid being cheated by an applicant who exaggerates his skills on
his CV, the credit reference company Experian signed a deal with
the UK's universities to get the list of diplomas obtained by students
since 1995. The Association of Search and Selection Consultants
explains that one person in four lies in his CV, for example by
mixing up names of schools with famous ones or by specifying a diploma
they didn't get. This is a very common phenomenon in the recruitment
of secretaries when two thirds of employers do not test their skills.
But it could prove humiliating either in the interview or in your
future job when the lie is discovered. Employers are becoming more
cautious by resorting to recruitment consultancies which go through
detailed examination of the skills of applicants.
156 words.
created by: David Anderson 
Ps and Qs
- The title, date and source of the article incomplete.
- Confusion in the title, not little 'quiet' or even 'black' !
lies but WHITE.
- Some spelling : recrUItment, exaGGerate, hoNest, persoN ; persoNal,
persoNally, persoNNel ; fulfiL.
- Some vocab : période d'essai = trial period ; formation = training
; intéressant (avantageux) =attractive, good, favourable ; important
(quantitative) = considerable, sizeable ; contrôler = to check
; informations = information (sing.) ; to lie ON = allonger/ to
lie ABOUT = mentir sur
- Some grammar issues : the applicant who lies... ; the chances
of being recruited ; the possibility of seeing ; the risk of becoming
; etc.
created by: David Anderson |