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LX 330 - Anglais.com
LX 330 structural sheet
  • To manage to + V
  • To succeed in +Ving
  • To enable someone to + V
  • To make it possible for someone to + V
  • To take advantage of ... to + V
  • To afford
  • To benefit from
  • To profit by
  • To have to
  • To need:
    • you needn't spend...
    • you needn't have spent...
    • you don't need to spend...
  • To be compelled to + V
  • To be obliged to + V
  • To be forced to + V
  • To be + V
  • To urge to + V
  • To goad to + V
  • To induce to + V
  • To accuse of + Ving
  • To disapprove of + Ving
  • To approve of + Ving
  • To charge with + Ving
  • To reproach with + Ving
  • To disagree with + Ving
  • To find fault with
  • To blame for + Ving
  • To criticize for + Ving
  • To fault for + Ving
  • To protest against + Ving
  • To denounce
  • To resent doing
  • To resent someone doing something
  • To take strong exception to
  • To take issue with a claim
  • To reject
  • To refuse point blank
  • You should + V
  • You should have + past participle
  • You ought to + V
  • You ought to have done it
  • You had better leave ...
  • You had better not reply
  • The more ... the more
  • The longer ... the sadder
  • The less ... the less
  • The better ... the worse
  • All the more ... as
  • To compare something with
    • He draws a comparison with
    • Compared to France ...
    • Unlike other unions...
    • They are different from ... in that ...
  • If you don't ... you are bound to + V
  • You are likley to + V
  • You are liable to + V
  • You are sure to + V
  • If you did ... you would
  • Unless (if not)
  • On condition that
  • Provided that
  • So long as
  • Insofar as
  • Inasmuch as
  • Although, though
  • Even if
  • However, nonetheless
  • Nevertheless
  • Despite his anger ...
  • In spite of her being angry ...
  • For all her determination
  • However determined she may be
  • No matter how determined they may have been
  • No matter when he left
  • No matter what you say
  • I wish I could + preterite modal (souhait sur le futur)
  • I wish you would help me (manque de bonne volonte)
  • I wish you had helped me (regrets sur le passe)
  • She doesn't know how she is to convince ...
  • How are they to be held in check?
  • There is no + Ving
  • There is no use + Ving
  • It is no good + Ving
  • There is no point in + Ving
  • How can we be expected to + V?
  • What does it matter whether ...?
  • There is no reason why I should ...
  • I don' see any reason why they should ...
  • To be used to + Ving
    • I am used to working hard (habitude dans le present)
  • To use to + V
    • When I was younger, I used to walk to school (habitude dans le passe)
  • I find it normal that he should ...
  • I find it abnormal that you should ...
  • I find it vital/ridiculous that she should ...
  • I find it absurd/unbearable that we should ...
  • I find it useful/unacceptable that they should ...
  • I find it essential/outrageous that they should ...
  • It is hard for someone to + V
  • It is unbelievable for someone to + V
  • It is abnormal for someone to + V
  • I hardly understand why ... (a peine)
  • We are told
  • We are shown
  • We are never made to understand
  • He is dead set against it
  • What angers me is that
  • To prefer to + V rather than to + V (action dans le futur)
  • To prefer + Ving rather than +Ving (habitude)
  • I had rather do ...
  • I had rather they did ...
  • I can't stand + Ving
  • I can'tbear + Ving
  • I can't face + Ving
  • I fear that ... they might
  • To talk someone into + Ving
  • To goad someone into + Ving
  • To caox into + Ving
  • To scare into + Ving
  • To talk someone out of + Ving
  • To coax out of + Ving
  • To keep from ... + Ving
  • To stop ... from + Ving
  • To prevent ... from + Ving
  • In order to.../ so as to
  • To intend to .../ to have the intention of + Ving
  • To mean to + V
  • To want to + V
  • To plan to + V
  • To aim to + V
  • To drive at + Ving
  • The goal ... is to + V
  • The purpose ... is to + V
  • The aim ... is to + V
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