CSTI, Cultures, Sociétés et Technologies de l'Information Site de l'Université Paris Sorbonne
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  Centre de recherche
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* Hommage à Liliane Gallet-Blanchard
* Hommage à Marie-Madeleine Martinet
  Georgian Cities
  Recherche documentaire
* Réseaux.doc
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  Cours & séminaires
* Licence
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* Moodle
* Sur la toile
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* English version

















Ressources DEA-MAN 413
Information skills
How to get there : http://www.plymouth.ac.uk
(in the left-hand margin) click on "Internal Staff & Students"
then (in the circle "Information for ...") click on "Current Students"

Follow the sections in the left-hand margin, in particular:

  • "a guide to referencing" which contains, among others,
    • in the sections "which style" and "ref.guide", a guide to Referencing electronic and written software
    • tutorials on "reference software"

  • "learning skills", notably
    • "making notes" which, in addition to note-taking skills, has a development on "mindmapping" which will be useful for our study of mental space
    • "presentation techniques"

  • at the end of "ref.guides" (see above) click on "learning skills", then (in the top menu bar) on "resources and links" where you will find a "skills shop" (click on "access from outside the University"), and "links to useful resources on the web" in learning skills
How to get there Steer your course through the website Write your logbook


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Nous contacter
Information skills
Learning skills
Search strategies
Radcliffe SL
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