> Cours
et séminaires > DEA
> Méthodologie : Information skills |
Ressources DEA-MAN 413
Information skills |
skills, Section I
LEARNING SKILLS: Plymouth website
Course objective: to
learn basic information skills |
How to get there : http://www.plymouth.ac.uk
(in the left-hand margin) click on "Internal
Staff & Students"
then (in the circle "Information for ...") click on "Current Students"
Follow the sections in the left-hand margin,
in particular:
- "a guide to referencing"
which contains, among others,
- in the sections "which style" and "ref.guide", a guide to
Referencing electronic and written
- tutorials on "reference software"
- "learning skills", notably
- "making notes" which, in addition to note-taking skills,
has a development on "mindmapping" which will be useful for
our study of mental
- "presentation techniques"
- at the end of "ref.guides" (see above) click on "learning skills", then (in the top menu bar) on "resources and links" where you will find a "skills shop" (click on "access from outside the University"), and "links to useful resources on the web" in learning skills
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