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Ressources MAN 404
Navigational Metaphors and Information Spaces

Syllabus, Section IV

Course objective: to relate hyperdocuments to the theory of multidimensional hypermedia

  • The theory of hypertext and hypermedia is discussed in several websites (a multilinear structure of documents, where each section has potential hyperlinks towards several optional continuations; if the hyperdocuments are made up of several media - eg. text+sound+images - they become hypermedia) :
    • CATI "sites favoris", section on Hypertext: follow the links to the texts by John Tolva and Willard McCarty, and to Sheelagh Barron's essay on "textscapes"

    • in Jack Lynch's "Literary resources on the web" http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Lit/ (already studied), section on "hypertext"
      • "George Landow's homepage"-- "One of the most important theorists of hypertext"

        in "Print and electronic publications" select "Individual websites"
        then select "Cyberspace, Hypertext, and Critical Theory Web"

      • "Lines for a Virtual T[y/o]pography: An Electronic Essay on Artifice and Information", identified by Jack Lynch as "a hypertext exploration of hypertext"

    • Jerome McGann's essay "The Rationale of Hypertext" http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/public/jjm2f/rationale.html

    How far are the websites on hypertext structure themselves hypertextual?

  • Medium and message in hypermedia: some websites we studied in the "Information Skills" section discuss multidimensional information spaces

    • in the "Information Skills" of the present website, under "cours et séminaires, DEA" section, the page on "mindmapping " in the "Learning Skills" chapter of the Plymouth website. Is information therefore structured on a hypertextual model?
    • in the Art section, the sites on "analysis of visual images" and on "applied semiotics"
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