CSTI, Cultures, Sociétés et Technologies de l'Information Site de l'Université Paris Sorbonne
Accueil Centre de recherche Georgian Cities Recherche documentaire Cours et séminaires Sur la toile Evénements
  Centre de recherche
* Equipe de recherche
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* Hommage à Liliane Gallet-Blanchard
* Hommage à Marie-Madeleine Martinet
  Georgian Cities
  Recherche documentaire
* Réseaux.doc
* Formation documentaire
  Cours & séminaires
* Licence
* Master
* Agrégation
* Doctorat
* Moodle
* Sur la toile
* Evénements
* English version

















Ressources DEA-MAN 413
Information skills
Write your logbook
  • Compare the information from the present tutorial to the instruction on the Plymouth website

  • Compare the European Studies tutorial with another tutorial in the same series, according to your subject field and research interests

  • Perform a search on one of the topics of our syllabus (e.g. Renaissance navigation, Georgian townscape, spatial perception....), using the search engines and the strategies explained in the section "Discover how to improve your Internet searching"
    • Repeat the search with a topic from your own dissertation

  • Comment on the possible uses of "citation"; can you think of drawbacks? (a later tutorial will have a few answers to this question)

Answer :
(you may send me your comments by email; a synthesis of your answers will be posted in this space)

How to get there Steer your course through the website Write your logbook


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Nous contacter
Information skills
Learning skills
Search strategies
Radcliffe SL
Advanced search
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