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Ressources MAN 404
This page is adapted from the original powerpoint presentation
  • Icon & index play an important role in navigation
  • Icon & index react to each other.
  • Only iconic function: the link is non-descript.
  • Only indexical function: no iconic representation, indexical function is difficult to be presented.

Here, it's the third item I would like to talk about. I think that now, all of you have some ideas about icon & index in computer science.

What I want to say now, it is that icon & index help knowlege representation in website & help humans to communicate with computer. Without icon & index, an effecient navigation will be impossible, as computer is only an artificial intelligence, it can't talk.

In order to explain their important roles in navigation, let's go to the website of White.

Image of newspaper: without indexical function, that is yahoo news, user guesses its meaning, perhaps it concerns a newspaper, specific or not.

Without iconic function, indexical function is difficult to be presented.
Jeff White's web page on icon and index
go to the end of the web page, select "a separate window table"

Practical information on Icon & Index
Graphical tools for the creation of icons: Photoshop, Paintshop...
HTML language is used to create a web page
Here is a link on this subject:www.florimont.ch/coursCep/creationPageWEB_index.html

This is the last item of my subject. Reading this slide, you understand that now, I would like to communicate some practical information to you. Information engineers use some programs to create a web page. For icons, such as photoshop, paintshop etc.

HTML - hyper Text Makeup Language, is a basic language used for communication on the web.

There are other examples of icon on these two websites:
Now, let's go to these two websites to see some other examples of icon.

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Icon & Index
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