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Ressources MAN 404
Navigational Metaphors and Information Spaces

Syllabus, Section III

Course objective: to show the implications of hypertextual structure for the study of literature


Some websites contain resources linking aspects of visual culture in different ways.
http://www.bubl.ac.uk/link/ (a gateway we have already studied)
then select "Humanities"
then in the alphabetical list of subjects select history-british 1100-1800

  • then 3 "English Emblem Books Project" http://emblem.libraries.psu.edu/home.htm

    "the use of allegory, and the relationship of word to image" are important topics for us

  • also select 8 "Romantic Circles" http://www.rc.umd.edu/

    • The image of Romanticism:

      click on "Scholarly Resources" in the menu to the right of the globe

      and in the list, select "Fictional Representations of Romantics" http://www.rc.umd.edu/reference/ficrep/nassr-sf.html

      This is a study of the image of Romanticism in later literature; look at The Volcano Lover by Susan Sontag, based on the life of Sir William Hamilton, an English diplomat: it links up with our study of the rediscovery of Southern Italy (archaeology and geology) and its creation of a new imaginative universe where nature and architecture fuse, which has in turn inspired later fiction

    • Art techniques and visual culture:

      select (at the end of the list) "Links to related sites" and click on "Color Printing in the 19th Century" http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/exhibits/color/

      this section is useful as well for our classes on "Representation" since it shows the influence of art techniques on culture and modes of vision

      • Literature and place:

        return to the top page of RC, to the left of the globe) select RC High School

        then in RCHS Learning Modules select "Poems and Places " Study the resources on the topic of literature and place

        Move to "Section Syllabi" and select "Period 1 and 5"
        Class n°1 review the Romantic Circles High then select "Other Resources" from the menu
        School Guide to Evaluating World Wide Web Resources
        also in "Poems and Places" study "Information Resources"

      • Hypermedia theory:

        From "Other resources" also select Hamlet on the Holodeck by Janet Murray, a major text on hypermedia theory, see later sections

Resources Links and comparisons Interpretation
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