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Ressources MAN 404
Navigational Metaphors and Information Spaces

Syllabus, Section II

Course objective: to analyse hypermedia in the light of theories of representation

  • Representation and interpretation:

    on the website of the Virtual Library (already explored) http://www.chart.ac.uk/vlib/
    in the first paragraph of the text, select CHArt, the Computers and History of Art Group http://www.chart.ac.uk
    follow the link on Computing and Visual Culture: Representation and Interpretation

    • This group deals with computer models of architecture among other things, but you also find theoretical papers on their website; comment on the interaction between technology and theory.

  • Semiotics: literature and images

    On the website of the Radcliffe Science Library (already explored in "Information Skills") http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/rsl/
    select "Dou you have it?"
    then "Electronic New Sources"
    in the text, click on the link "excellent lists of news resources can be found at the University of Pennsylvania" http://www.library.upenn.edu/resources/news/news.html
    in the menu bar above, click on "e-journals" (you will find that numerous sections may be of use for us, e.g. "English" or "Urban Studies" etc)
    Today we explore "Comparative Literature & Literary Theory" (again, you will find that many of the journals listed may be of use for our seminar, and that a large proportion are in open access)

    Take the link "Applied semiotics/Sémiotique appliquée" which leads to the journal of the same name, http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/french/as-sa/index.html
    where you may
    -- read the various issues of the journal;
    -- at the end of the list of issues of the journal, clink on "Links", where you may browse though sections such as "Semiotics and Cognitive Sciences" and "Semiotics and Culture"

  • Starting from hyperlinks on literature, we find webpages on image interpretation; comment on these hyperlinks .
  • On the theory of icons and indexes, see the presentation by Qianyi BERTON-CHEN
Resources Links and comparisons Interpretation
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