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Société et architecture en Grande-Bretagne des modèles historiques au dessin assisté par ordinateur
Professeur Marie-Madeleine MARTINET
Integration of subject and IT IT skills and notions introduced Hyperdocuments used : description of their interface

From the decorative arts to design :

- among the major designers in the early 20th century was Charles Rennie Mackintosh

- Virtual Reality : to enable the viewer to see the spatial layout of a house in three dimensions and navigate in it

- time line ) to explore the

- interactive map) work of an artist ) in time and space


a VR model of Mackintosh’s house


documents and maps

Design can be presented using various web interfaces, as seen on the

Design Museum siteDesign projects are presented according to the practises of technical draughtsmanship, which influence our modes of vision. Trainign in 3D drawing can be found on websites of engineering departments

- animation

- model



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