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Master 2 Métiers du commerce international
The Virtual entreprise

Les cours auront lieu du 4 Octobre 2007- au 15 Novembre2007 inclus
Salle Esperanto Centre Malesherbes.
Le Professeur L. Gallet-Blanchard reçoit sur rendez-vous.


This course intends to make you aware of  and familiar with the development and “state-of-the-art”  position of m-commerce at the moment.  This includes a basic knowledge of computerisation in companies and of the consequences of going mobile at all levels- whether it be security, privacy, or more generally what CRM includes and what the future still entails in “the wireless gamble”.

As you can notice most of the literature handed to you is based on The Economist : this is not being biased:  along the years I have made up my mind that it constitutes a really good approach on all these topics with sufficiently professional views and opinions, but no mystifying technical jargon that would make questions obscure for students. You are free and even advised to launch your own personal information search in all those fields which you will not be able to escape in your future careers.

Conseillers du Commerce Exterieur de la France
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