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ALTERNATIVE VIEWS : from Tivoli to Stowe

The circular temple of Vesta (Ist century BC) at Tivoli (a village in the mountains North of Rome) was a great inspiration for artists and architects.

The place was a favourite subject for painters. Drawings of it were published by Renaissance architects such as Palladio (the architect of influential buildings in the Venetian region and the author of a widespread treatise on architecture).

It inspired numerous garden temples in Britain.

Ruins or restoration ?

The temple at Tivoli is now partly in ruins.

Renaissance architects attempted to imagine what it would have looked like in Antiquity: an influential reconstruction is that of Palladio.

Roll over the ruin to see it restored to its perfect state by Palladio

Temple at Tivoli

These various perceptions of the temple at Tivoli raise questions as to the

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