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Sciences, technologies et société en Grande-Bretagne
(XVIIIe-XXIe siècles)

W.D. Hackmann, Scientific Instruments : "passive" and "active" explorers of nature.

1) What is the meaning of "passive" in the text? What is the meaning of "active"?

2) Give examples of "passive" instruments and explain what their " passivity" consists in.

3) In a dictionary, an encyclopaedia and on the Internet, look for Galileo, Kepler, and Priestley. (Hooke too).

4) Compare information. Which "Priestley" did you choose? Why?

5) Do optical instruments "enhance the imperfect senses"? Comment?

6) What is an artefact? Why were discoveries regarded with mistrust?

7) What is an a priori concept?

8) Visit the London Museum of Science on the Internet and visualise orreries, globes, air pumps, electrical machines, in George III gallery visible on this site; give the precise addresses.

9) Find out two famous paintings by Wright of Derby illustrating the fascination of the period for orreries and air pumps.

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