an alphabetical dictionary of art terms, with, in each article, hyperlinks to the entries on the other terms mentioned in it, and illustrations, themselves hyperlinked (by subscription)
articles by specialists on numerous subjects in art history, with diagrams if necessary, and hyperlinks to image libraries, such as the Bridgeman Art Library the
site of the National Gallery of Art (Washington), with online tours
Among the paintings studied, two may be singled out because
they cover distinct aspects of artistic technique, in different sections
underlining the diversity of approaches and their relationship though distinct
multimedia presentational forms:
- John Singleton Copleys Watson
and the Shark (an 18th century painting
on a historical theme)
- the identification of sources and motifs in heroic painting in
studies of details
- the formal analysis of movement in an animation
- Jacksons Pollocks N°1, 1950 (an abstract modern painting)
- the use of colours with references to the artists palette
- the study of the painting process as part of the artistic experience of action painting in a documentary animation
the site of the National Gallery (London), exploring the relation
between time and painting a current exhibition
- the movement of the object represented
- the movements of the observers eyes as they can be traced with an eye-tracker section on exhibitions and events
Politics American Style gives examples of decorative design
mediating a political message: eg. Napoleonic furniture for American Presidents.
The link between art and politics is emphasised by the dual meaning of style
(art in the strict sense of the term + manner generally speaking, here in
politics) a Virtual Reality
reconstruction of the Crystal Palace, with sections relating this feat of
Victorian engineering to Victorian society; it is an example of the
interdisciplinary approach relating architectural analysis to social history
(but its spelling mistakes should not be copied)
- sections showing how photographic effects convey a historical vision.
eg. how they create the public image of statesmen, such as Lincoln
- a lab where the user can click on tools such as a viewfinder
and a zoom to simulate their functions modify photographs and see
the distinct effects: eg. a working site
- with a close up on three workmen only, or with a medium shot showing the foreman as well above them, which gives a
tense atmosphere.