• Anamorphoses: a presentation

Anamorphoses have a long history as images following the laws of optics to present distorted views of objects which reappear when viewed according to certain angles.


The dog (below) is seen normally; when the picture is squared and each of the squares transformed into a long rectangle (above), the dog appears elongated; when viewed obliquely, it will resume its normal shape.


a website on anamorphoses

The Grove Dictionary of Art (dictionary by subscription - our university has a subscription) search for 'anamorphosis'

  • Anamorphoses: famous historical examples

The Ambassadors by Holbein (1533, National Gallery)

The portrait of Edward VI (1546, National Portrait Gallery)

website of the National Gallery: search in the 'collection' tab, and follow the links 'Past painting of the month - The Ambassadors explained' and 'Exploring the collection: the art of science

website of the National Portrait Gallery : search the collection/ 16th century : the early Tudors