Geography of the future is taking shape today,
New York Times July 18th and July 19th 2005.
transl. Le Monde 22nd, July 2005.
Fruit that is ripe and ready...
Give examples of mapping software
How can marrying maps to data change the international trade strategic approaches?
How are fruits and vegatables identified? What are the advantages ? List inconveniences.
Explain track and trace technology
Define advanced recognition technology
What is RFID?
What is P.L.U.? Do you like the idea ? What other solution would you recommend?
Which information would you like to be coded onto fruits and vegetables?
12 different kinds of apples : comment ...
What is Wal-Mart?
Fiche de vocabulaire :
Mapping software, organic apples, waxy cucumbers, stubborn stickers, to scrape, to yank off, scannable bar coding, to etch, crate, messy, produce, product.
Combining maps with data to create new web service.
Why is it interesting to have a map of traffic flow and building layouts? Or sales and currency data?
Have you heard of Virtual Earth? Why would you visit such a website?What's the use of creating such a site?
What are G.I.S.?
What does hacking consist in? Why do hackers show us the shape of the future? Explain Google embraces hackers.
Fiche de vocabulaire:
To release, search-engine, viewed broadly, shift, seamless, plug, loose, to cater to, grasp, to mesh, web browser, to overlay, decade, tailored, hacks, geeky,